Wednesday, January 16, 2008

dear god...

renee's confession layouts have inspired me to make some confessions of my own. i don't scrapbook, so i will just tell you in words. here we go!
  • when i'm sitting in church, i imagine myself running wildly up and down the aisles while ripping off my clothes and how that would forever alter peoples perception of me.
  • i still love comic books, hello kitty and toys (of the japanese variety mostly.)
  • i really love zombie movies and have a slight fear of that actually happening.
  • i worry i'm beginning to look old.
  • my favorite part of going to the bar on saturday nights is eating at 2 a.m.
  • i judge books by their covers.
  • when i drive past my old grade school, i so badly want to to turn back time.
  • i feel sorry for spiders.
  • i wish i had tons of money so i could save the polar bears, feed the children, and build hummingbird sanctuaries!
  • i wish i was a singer in a band. or a dj. sometimes both.
  • i really do enjoy the crash test dummies, enya, yanni and sarah brightman! 
  • i love to paint but i don't do it enough and i ALWAYS feel guilty about it.
  • i like animals more than people.
so yeah...there you go. do YOU have any confessions?


Anonymous said...

your confession about running in church is just hilarious!!!

Mishy said...

you're crazy and weird

Candice P. Harrington said...

Marie, you are awesome. I love your confessions!

I totally think back to all the crappy stuff I did in high school and wish I could go back in time.

You have inspired me to blog some confessions - I'll do it later today, so check it out!!

ps. you should get into scrapbooking...

Reta said...

My favorite part of the bar is very much becoming eating MCDONALDS at 2am. YUM. It always tastes so much better at that time. And for the record, I am SO happy someone else in my life younger than 50 has admitted to liking Yanni.I have loved him for years!!!!!!!!!!!!!

renee said...

you forgot to say that you still collect the toys from the mcdonald's happy meals!

you reminded me of a couple of my own confessions...look for them soon....

Anonymous said...

marie you are so weird. I LOVE IT!!! as for my own confession...those need their own blog!

Anonymous said...

din-din- we all know you want your own blog, so just make it already! its all you talk about! haha

din-din said...

fine i did it. will email the post.