Monday, April 28, 2008

i heart homework

i am one of the rare types of people that actually liked school and homework and all that stuff that kids complain about. there's something about a classroom setting that makes my stomach twist and feel nostalgic in a good way. this past sunday i took a class at hollander's in ann arbor. hollander's is the kind of store that scrapbookers, artists and regular people alike can get lost in. it's filled with decorative paper, art supplies, books, and creative cards and stationery. they also hold various types of creative classes in their lower level workshop. i took a photo transfer class because i've always wanted to learn the different techniques so i could add a different element to my paintings or get new ideas for other things. my instructor, linda soberman, turned out to be my mom's boss from YEARS ago when we still lived in oak park and she worked in a studio making costume jewelry. i would sometimes fake sick so i could go to work with my mom. i loved the fact that they gave me so much attention and i had a tin coffee can filled with colored pencils all to myself!
i learned some pretty cool techniques that i can't wait to try out! i also learned that one thing i don't miss about taking classes are the ANNOYING people who ask STUPID questions because they either don't listen or they love hearing the sound of their own voice. anyway...this is linda soberman's website. i urge you to check it out since she has some really cool pieces:

the image above is something i created using decorative paper and a packing tape transfer. that basically means that i transfered the photo onto a piece of packing tape using magic. :) i framed it and gave it to renee..she loved it!


renee said...

i love love love it!!!!

i can't believe that linda used to be your mom's boss and that you used to go to work with her...what a small world!

Anonymous said...

that is so cool, mar! i love it!