Wednesday, April 30, 2008

something old is something new

yesterday was a good day. it was nice out, the sun was shining..what do you do on days like this? go shopping! :) i'm not talking about cooping yourself up in a sterile mall. go outside! get some fresh air and walk around a downtown of your choice yesterday was royal oak. while i found some pretty cool things, my money found its way out of my wallet. it's cool though, i have a few nice pieces to show for it. 

i went to my friend brandon's store, project 3, and found this hoodie that i love ALMOST as much as my junk food's so soft and cut precisely for a woman. if you love casual clothes, jeans and really soft t-shirts, go there. it's on washington ave. next to lilly's seafood. 

also on washington is a great men & women's vintage clothing store called lost & found vintage. it's nice to sift through their merchandise because all the ugly crap has already been weeded out for you! i scored these two pieces that i'm looking forward to wearing..a silk dress from the 40's and a leather jacket from the 80's that's reminiscent of a michael jackson video. (i will be removing the shoulder pads.)


Anonymous said...

omg, i love love love your new clothes!!

Anonymous said...

Is that a pose, or did someone fart or something?

--Cousin Farah

marie antoinette said...

oh, cousin's called, i don't want to take a picture of my face, but here's my hoodie.

Anonymous said...


RRN said...

that almost made me like royal oak for a moment.
you have this amazing ability to seemingly lighten anything you touch.....

....or so it seems.