Wednesday, December 26, 2007

wal-mart is EVIL

i've never liked wal-mart. something about that place always gave me an ill feeling in the pit of my stomach. i was forced to shop there while i lived in florida for those four long years, oh i mean months, since it was basically the only place around town where you could get groceries and deodorant without going broke. 
since moving back, i have not stepped inside that florescent lit dungeon milling with blue smocked slaves unless i had to accompany a poor oblivious soul. 
this is an excerpt by jim hightower from the newsletter the hightower lowdown: 
"wal-mart is the world's biggest corporation, raking in $220 billion a year (bigger than the gdp [gross domestic product] of israel and ireland combined). the combined wealth of the waltons---the family that owns wal-mart---is over $100 billion. their average employee---and wal-mart employs more people than any other company on earth---makes $17,144 a year, and most have zero health benefits. the company has been hit with literally thousands of violations of workers' compensation, sex discrimination, and child-labor laws. it's response: 'unions have no place in wal-mart.' "
ban wal-mart. don't give in to their low prices. they're low because their not giving their employees squat. 
tomorrow's plea: save the polar bears. (i'm serious.)


Anonymous said...

the people that work at walmart scare me. and so do the regulars that shop there. it's a very cheap and weird place.

Anonymous said...

i got my nintendo wii from walmart so its all love from here.