Thursday, December 13, 2007

vaca, anyone?

i really want to go somewhere. i am most inspired when i get out of my box called farmington hills. it's especially helpful when it takes an airplane to get to where i'm going. i love airports...i love wondering what people's stories are. i want to know where they're going and why. i have to have the window seat. what is the point of being 30,000 feet up in the air and not being able to look out the window? also, i read in mary roach's "stiff" that the worst seat in the airplane is the aisle seat. in the case of a plane crash, the pressure inside the cabin goes haywire and all the overhead compartments pop open and everything falls out. so...if you're ever in that situation, get down on the floor and make your way to the exit row as quickly as possible. 
ok. i just went from loving airports to giving survival tricks. sorry. sorry renee. :)
the picture i posted is a picture i took from an airplane above denali, alaska. that was one of the most amazing vacations i've been on. some of you may know, renee, farah, sherri, michelle and i raised money for the leukemia and lymphoma society and went to anchorage, alaska to run/walk a half marathon. that's 13.1 miles. i ran it and let me tell you...that was the hardest thing i've put my body through thus far in my life. i probably felt every emotion i could in that two and a half hours..elation, happiness, boredom, frustration, hurt, sympathy, fear, etc., etc..but at the end, i felt proud. then i felt hunger. 
another cool thing: we went during the summer solstice, so it was light out 24 hours a day. at midnight, the sun looked like it was setting, but it never did. there were heavy duty drapes in the hotel room so that you could fall asleep despite the bright sky. 
okay, so where to next? 


Chrissy said...

Marie, I love Airports and Airplanes as much, if not more than you. Luckily for me, I live in LA and I get to fly a minimum of 8 times a year, to satisfy my hungry heart. Although this is a catch 22 because I get to fly but only to one location, MI. So can we fix that shit by going to JAX? Fuck it man, lets let all our cares out the window and fly to jax for a weekend or a week or whatever! All of the cousins. If you guys are so damn good at raising money, then lets raise some money and spend it on plane tickets and food in Jax. WOOHOO

Mishy said...

WTF! WHO WANTS TO GO TO JAX?!?! SO BORING! (sorry if my FL cousins read this but you all already know Jax is not my fave place!) But if that's where everyone wants, that's fine. But can we make it more exciting than usual, PLEASE?!?!!!!

Chrissy said...

Mishy, We only wanna go to Jax so that we dont have to pay for a hotel. Thats a lot of money to be saved on a vacation.

Anonymous said...

I'm up for a vacation. I'll go anywhere, even if it's JAX. I do wanna visit the East Coast (Maine, Massach.)

--Cousin Farah