Sunday, February 3, 2008

across the universe

as much as i love the beatles and, well, space, i think it's ridiculous that nasa is going to beam the beatles song "across the universe" to the north star, polaris. this is being done to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the song, the 45th anniversary of nasa's deep space network and the 50th anniversary of nasa. first of all, what the hell is the point? second, nobody is going to be there to be able to hear it. third, if someone or something were to be there to hear it, they would need an antenna and a receiver to convert it back to music. oh, and one more minor detail: it'll take 431 years to get there. 
it's great that they're using all this money for frivolous fantasies instead of, perhaps, educating our american children or supplying a starving country with some rice or something.


Anonymous said...

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Why wouldn't they use a Madonna song like "Lucky Star". What freak runs NASA?!

--Cousin Farah

marie antoinette said...

hahahaa..cousin farah, you crack me up.

Reta said...

wow...i'm so glad that money is being put to good use...i have a new-found confidence in this world and its priorities...

Matthew said...

I'm thinking REM's "man on the moon" would be good, we could show the aliens how advanced we are with 90's light pop and when the aliens get here, they'll say, hey, thats the moon they were talking about.

Vanessa said...

Seriously, these people could do so much more with those funds. Our economy has gone to shit and they are concerned with spending money on music for aliens? They won't even hear it, they'll be dead in 431 years!

Chrissy said...

You guys are all retarded! This is a retarded project but Across the Universe is the best song they could beam anywhere in the world.