Friday, June 27, 2008

chevy. chevy. chevy. um. um. um.

i don't know why, but as i drove to work this morning, i thought of chevy chase. not really the man, but his name. who the hell is named chevy? where did that name come from and it sounds so weird when said alone. i, of course, had to wikipedia him and i found out his real name is cornelius crane chase. that's weirder than chevy.
also, um is a very weird word. it's not really a word..but a filler. and it's weird. say it to yourself a few times. 


renee said...

you're right on both chevy and um. i think um is way wierder! it sounds like we're meditating!

and isn't it strange how we think about bazarre things like the name chevy or the word um...the thought process is very interesting.

Anonymous said...

i know what you mean marie, a couple days ago, i was completely consumed by this thought i had. it took my whole day and filled it with suspicion and doubt. why do they call it a "pair of scissors"... its not a pair, its 1 whole piece. have you ever seen just one scissor? i have not. same with glasses, a "pair of glasses". what makes them a "pair"? fuckin a.


marie antoinette said...

or pants. what's up with that.