Tuesday, June 17, 2008

bonjour, madame! comment ca va?

i drove chris to the airport yesterday and instead of listening to music on the way there, we listened to my "berlitz french guaranteed" cds (well, disc 1.) it was pretty funny. for about 25 minutes we repeated greetings and asked monsieur albert what he would like to order at the bakery. chris thought he had to change his voice for these french conversations. he became somewhat of a muppet.
when we arrived at the entrance to the spirit terminal, chris took his bag out of the trunk and we exchanged goodbyes. it went something like this:
au revoir, frere! bon voyage!
bonsoir, mademoiselle! oui, oui..bonjour! 


Anonymous said...

you're supposed to be my sister, why are you torturing me?

Candice P. Harrington said...

funny stuff! how's the french coming along by the way? Est-ce que tu l'aimes?

marie antoinette said...

foof, i'm not torturing you, don't be silly.
candice, i THINK you asked me if i like it..right? yes, i do like my class. it's coming along great and i have learned a lot so far!

Mishy said...

aww foofy I LOVE YOU! marie that is so funny. i wish i was with you guys. except i'd bust out with "Adios, mi hermano. Te amo!"