Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"i'd rather go to paris than to heaven."

mcsorley's bar
john sloan. 1912.

sorry, guys. haven't really been feeling like myself lately. i've neglected my fans. (ha.) how was everyone's long weekend?
i went to see the ashcan painters exhibit at the dia on sunday. it was the last day they were showing it...too bad because it was lovely and i'd urge you all to go. the ashcan artists were a group of artists in the late 1800's to early 1900's who painted life in new york city and paris the way they saw it. so there were lots of bar scenes, circus tents, skating in parks, sporting events, etc. their style was pretty different for that time period and they often painted things that were a little risque (it wouldn't be right now, of course.) there's a book of all these paintings and info about them available at the dia store, but seeing them in person is 250 times better than printed on a page. the title of my blog is a quote from one of the artists, william merritt chase. 


Anonymous said...

i hope you are feeling better-LOVE YOU!!

din-din said...

oooooh....love that quote. and u better be feeling better my love!