Wednesday, July 30, 2008

sunny morning

i love hot mornings full of sunshine. that's when i take my cup of tea and go out onto our deck in my pajamas. sunday morning i had a jelly donut cupcake and tea for breakfast and read the watchmen (which is awesome and coming out in the theaters soon!) lucy wanted to join me so badly that i actually allowed her to (she's an indoor cat)..she LOVED sniffing the fresh air and exploring new territory. of course the minute she heard the slightest noise, she darted back inside.


Mishy said...

that was so cute. you should let her out more often.

din-din said...

aaaw! we should have play dates with the kitties! leonard and nala love sitting on our balcony trying to find and eat bugs. actually leonard loves it...nala just wants to go where everyone else is.