Tuesday, March 18, 2008

i smell trouble

i watched a very strange movie this evening called "perfume. the story of a murderer." it was directed by tom tykwer who did "run, lola, run" and one of my favorite short films for "paris je'taime." 
so i'm not sure if i even liked the movie, but i couldn't stop watching it. it sucked me in. i wanted to know what was going to happen and where the story was going. the main actor did such a good job that i really disliked him despite his good looks. he gave me the creeps. there were more than a few parts of the film where i said out loud (to nobody) "ew, gross" regardless of the fact that it was not gory. it was just plain strange. i am confused. did i like it or not?


Anonymous said...

A good judge of that is whether you want to watch it again or not. A lot of times I think I like a movie and then I never wanna watch it and I start thinking, maybe I dont like this movie. Then I eat.

christo disto

Anonymous said...

i feel like that about a lot of movies, i love them, but i never feel like watching them again.

marie antoinette said...

that's not a good gauge for me. i often love movies, but i don't feel the need to see them again, because that is time wasted that i could be watching a new movie i have not seen before.
there are a select few that i love enough to watch again..or that make me feel good so i don't mind watching them again.

Anonymous said...

I've had the same feeling about some movies. Conclusion: as long as a movie keeps my attention, I think it is good. That is how I judge if I like a movie or not.

--Cousin Farah

P.S. should I drop the "cousin"

din-din said...

if you can't stop watching a movie until its end, then it did its job...it got your focus and kept it till the end. you may think its the weirdest or grossest thing in the world, but you watched the whole thing.

and dont drop the cousin! im not even a cousin and i would be sad to see it go

Candice P. Harrington said...

So weird - I saw that movie Sunday night with my sister... I had EXACTLY the same reaction! I'm pretty sure I liked it, but it was definitely creepy. The scene at the end when all those people start a huge **** (don't want to ruin it for people who haven't seen it) was probably the weirdest thing to me.