Thursday, July 3, 2008


i HATE grammatical errors...especially in print. i mean, didn't you proofread your three line sign???


Anonymous said...

I find that annoying also. One of my turnoffs in a person is when they have really bad grammer and spelling.

--Cousin Farah

the walking man said...

Guess they didn't produce the document in Word, but when sounded out it does work. Signs for extremely slow readers.

renee said...'re so funny! you're right how the hell did they not notice the misspelling on one of their 7 thirty font words?!!

Mishy said...

haha...dude it's discount drinks! If I was surrounded by all that alcohol i'd be drunk all day and misspelling everything!

p.s.'s grammAr =)

Anonymous said...

renee, what is a "7 thirty font words," are you talking about the font size? haha, farah...mishy got you on that one.

Anonymous said...

I feel stupid.

--Cousin Farah

Chrissy said...

I ate at a restaurant the other day that is regarded as one of the hottest places in the country, "Mr. Chows". Besides from the food being a complete abomination, the first item on the menu was spelled wrong, "chicken dumpings"...

Its one thing if it is spelled wrong to create a grammatical error, its another thing if that error is in relation to food and shit and makes you sick.

Needless to say, I will never go there again.


marie antoinette said...

chris, i think living w/ two chaldean west bloomfield expatriates is making you think you can afford things like louis vuitton and mr. chow's.