Thursday, January 29, 2009


lucy and penelope wanted to say hello. they haven't been by in a while. 
"meow" ("hello")

Thursday, January 22, 2009

a random thought

i was at barnes & noble today and started feeling really faint and light-headed. i kept feeling like the floor was moving beneath my feet and i was worried i was going to collapse for some reason. then i had kind of a funny thought. i thought, what if i collapsed in one of the least visited aisles of barnes & noble and just lay there, unconscious for nobody to see. then about ten minutes later regain consciousness and get up, dust off my coat and be on my way. how depressing, pathetic and funny would that be? sounds like it should be in a wes anderson film. (or was it?)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

fierce urgency of now

watching the inauguration of our 44th president, barack obama, filled me with so much hope and joy and moved me to tears. i was in awe at the thousands of heads in the crowd lining streets and the mall, not to mention all the crowds that gathered in other parts of the country to watch our new leader on a jumbo screen in their town. 
i am looking forward to living the next four (or more) years under an administration i believe in and had a part in making!
was anyone else full on crying when yo yo ma and the other musicians performed that gorgeous piece of music? 
also, this is the inauguration-worthy breakfast i made this morning/afternoon: 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

less than pleased

we live in laughable conditions. negative 1 degree. that is what my weather widget tells me it is. can't i just stay inside, mommy?

pictures of arizona to come. (it's a little confusing to your body to go from mid-70 temperatures to a major drop such as this.)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

speaking of which...

i just wanted to remind whoever is reading this blog (probably you, renee, and you, michelle) that i would be willing to go out on a date with a man who resembles any one of the following men. 

thank you.


as my 29th birthday approaches, i can't help but reflect on the past year and what i have done to move forward. i finally moved out into my own place--that's good. but, i still have a slight panic forming inside my brain and in the pit of my stomach that is a not-so-friendly reminder that i need to figure out what i'm doing with my life in regards to settling down. 
as i drove my car to whatever errand i ran this morning, i zoned out and started to have a conversation with myself in my head. it went something like this: 

"i know that i should probably try to pick up the pace with finding a husband so that i can be married for a little while so that a few years down the road i can have kids, but what if that's not what i'm meant to do? what if i've been putting all my focus on the wrong thing? maybe this is the time to really think more seriously about my art. maybe i should be focusing on being a serious artist instead of just doing it on the side. maybe that's what i should do."

as i completed the last sentence in my head, a car that was driving along side me in the next lane slowed down and i noticed a little girl in the backseat window. she had a darling face framed with braided pigtails. she looked me in the eye and waved a delicate little hand. i hesitated for a moment because i was completely taken off guard and then i finally smiled and waved back. 

um...was that a sign?