Monday, August 4, 2008

old photographs

i was cleaning part of the basement and i came across some forgotten photos that i'd like to share. 

why am i wearing a formal flamenco dancing dress at epcot?

aunty suham always insisted on putting lipstick on me.

this picture is so old in so many ways, i love it.

our old bedroom.
michelle and i were wearing the same outfit..except i was wearing pants.


din-din said...

me and reta weren't the only ones that were forced to be dressed alike!

Anonymous said...

how gorgeous were you guys!!!!

Candice P.J. said...

LOVE that Pepsi picture - too fabulous!

Mishy said...

HAHAHAHA why would mama let you wear that dress to Epcot???? how funny.
i love the one of you and momma on a plane? train? whatever it was. how funny is the OLD pepsi can.
and i LOVE the one of you and khala suham, you were the cutest, chubbiest cheeked baby i've ever seen! so presh! haha